Riddhi’s Soft Skills Solution is one-stop solution for:

Communication Skills
1. Better understanding & application of the Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing process.
It is very natural that what we receive is what we can give. Listening and Reading are receptive skills and Speaking and writing are productive skills. Most of us feel that speaking is the foremost skill to learn, however, the fact is, listening skills are placed ahead of speaking.
2. Enhanced Inter-Personal Skills.
Interpersonal skills are the skills to match up our thought processes with the persons we live or work together, without any grudges.
3. Improved Public-Speaking Skills.
Public-Speaking skills are not only about standing on a stage and addressing the audience, but also about speaking with any individual, group of individuals, officials, authorities, etc to put across our views. Even speaking to a bank manager for addressing a concern comes under public speaking skills.
4. Impressive performance in Interviews.
Interview all about promoting ourselves within the limited amount of time, through our communication.

Spoken English
1. Cleared Basic Grammar Concepts.
Grammar is the base of any Language, Learning grammar at the right age is significant for effective communication. We include Parts of Speech, Articles, Types of sentences, Sentence Structure, Tense, Punctuations, Modal Auxiliaries, etc. in grammar training.
2. Cleared Advance Grammar Concepts.
Advance grammar concepts like Transition words, Paragraph writing, story writing, Essay Writing, Vocabulary building, etc. are covered under this section.
3. Better Linguistic Skills
An ample amount of speaking activities is conducted to enhance confidence and speaking skills.
4. Enhanced Fluency
Tongue Twister Techniques and Mirror Talking techniques are covered here.

Soft Skills Training
1. Awareness about core skills like Time-Management, Goal-Setting, Assertive Communication, etc
Some Intangible, yet extremely valuable skills make us smart and organized people.
2. Personal-Development & Professional-Development
These skills are not just explained theoretically, but implanted in learners through various activities using mindfulness techniques.
3. Better Empathetic skills
After going through this training, we observe that we tend to empathize with others and thereby are free from any hidden or unhidden conflicts.
4. Enhanced EQ (Emotional Quotient)
Need of an hour in the professional or personal world is a high EQ level (aka Emotional Intelligence), besides IQ level. Being intelligent emotionally makes us away from any unpleasant thought processes and close to our inner self.

Interview Handling
Interview skills are very much overrated. It is not that scary. A candidate is not judged but just evaluated in a couple of minutes. However, there is a precise, organized and simple preparation required to be presentable, verbally as well as non-verbally, during an interview. We, not only make you confident but also make your Interview experience worthful.

Personality Development
1. A better understanding of Physical, Emotional, Social & Spiritual aspects in PD.
Personality is not just of physical appearance, but a combination of the mentioned aspects within us. In this training, Learners enhance in the way they carry themselves, think about themselves, socialize with others and start believing in spirituality.
2. Improvement in overall personality.
This complete training makes a learner updated and upgraded as an individual
3. Enhanced Confidence.
Confidence is not objective to be learned from books or magazines. It is subjective and develops through the activities that we do and experience. We conduct a lot of confidence-building activities through creative methodologies.
4. Developed Emotional Intelligence.
Need of an hour in the professional or personal world is a high EQ level (aka Emotional Intelligence), besides IQ level. Being intelligent emotionally makes us away from any unpleasant thought processes and close to our inner self.

Life Coaching
1. A deeper understanding of Life & relations.
Coaching will make the client think about his priorities, objectives and obstacles through coaching techniques. He would comprehend himself and his relations with a different and positive dimension.
2. Enhanced Self-Realization
Most of conflicts are the result of lack of understanding ourselves. Through some commendable techniques , we make our client realize his potentials, area of improvements and how to confront these.
3. Empowers individual to an optimistic view of life.
Mind-set is our biggest asset and we make clients acknowledge and utilize this asset.
4. Better AQ (Adaptability Quotient)
Being Resilient, adaptable to unavoidable changes is what we should work on considering the contemporary lifestyle.

Executive Coaching
1. Boosts professionalism and Self- Confidence.
This coaching technique will make client relearn or unlearn all about being professional.
2. Concrete vision about Short-Term and Long- Term goals.
Not incomplete, we are vacuumed without goals. We support client in setting and attaining his professional goals.
3. Empowers Leaders and team to know each other’s worth.
An ideal leader is the one who knows to align his goals with his team’s goals. We create leaders who start believing in the TEAM-MAGIC.
4. Improved Emotional Intelligence.
Need of an hour in professional or personal world is high EQ level (aka Emotional Intelligence), besides IQ level. Being intelligent emotionally makes us away from any unpleasant thought process and close to our inner self and thereby creating a peaceful yet professional working culture.