Happy Women’s day!
Really proud to be a women! It’s so delighting that women have proved their multitudinous skills in every single stream of profession spectrum. Evidently, they can be self dependent & single source of income for a family. They prove their dignity even if they are abandoned by some nasty acts of men. Besides every notion of equality, we are not behind in firing the pyre also. Really an appluadable transformation!
But hey!!
Aren’t we belittling other women and men too for that matter? When we expect the men to accept us as we are, why don’t we too accept them as they are? Why do we turn our relationships into deal? Let’s not dominate them, rather share their responsibilities, burdens, emotional challenges and thought process. We fought for Feminism which states equal rights among men and women. It was about equanimity not superiority!!
Moreover, Should we really compare ourselves? Women resemble to Mother Nature. And Nature is beyond comparison. It has its own intrinsic value and so do we have! Let’s stop comparing ourselves with men or any women for that matter. We all, every gender has its own identity.
Every single woman is talented. Never leave the opportunity to explore it!